Nine myths about cold sores. But what is the reality?

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Herpes, Immunity, Larifan, Products, Respirory Health

Anyone who has ever had a cold sore knows how unpleasant it is – it hurts, stings, oozes and is also terribly ugly. Cold sores are usually caused by the HSV-1 strain of the herpes virus, and one of their most characteristic features is watery blisters that develop into blisters. When the cold sore bursts, a scab covers the cold sore, which falls off after a few days. From the first unpleasant sensations to complete healing, it takes about 7-10 days. Over the years, many different myths have been created about cold sores – both about why they occur and how to cure them. Let’s try to understand what is just a myth and what is reality.

1. Myth. The cold pump is applied only to the rare.

Reality. It is estimated that approximately 90% of the world’s population are carriers of HSV-1, the herpes virus that causes cold sores. Therefore, it is very common and cold sores can strike absolutely anyone, even in old age, even if they have never had it before.

cold sores

2. Myth. Cold sores are only for adults.

Reality. The virus is so widespread and contagious that many people become infected with it as children, for example by eating with a parent’s spoon, drinking from a parent’s cup, or simply receiving an innocent kiss. Often, children pass the herpes virus to each other in kindergarten, because it is impossible to keep a distance there, and children play with the same toys. Sometimes the herpes virus in small children manifests itself not only with a cold sore, but also malaise, sore throat, fever.

3. Myth. If you’ve had a cold sore once, it won’t happen again.

Reality. Once the herpes virus HSV-1 has entered your body, it is impossible to get rid of it. It is true that it is often the case that a cold sore occurs only once in a lifetime or even never occurs even if you are a carrier of this virus, but it can also be the case that it torments you every few months.

cold sores

4. Myth. Cold sores appear one day, disappear the next.

Reality. A cold sore heals completely within 7-10 days. Although it does not require specific treatment, over-the-counter medications specifically designed for cold sores – ointments and creams, as well as suckable jelly candies Larifan Laryngo, which soothe inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and the end of the throat, reduce irritation in the throat and improve well-being – help relieve the unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process. it also has a mild analgesic effect. The patented natural component dsRNA Larifan included in Larifan Laryngo is an effective means of regulating the body’s natural local defenses, as it protects the mucous membrane of the mouth and the end of the throat against the effects of various harmful external environmental factors, especially the development and entry of viruses and bacteria into the body through the mouth, which is why these scrubs jelly candies are also useful as a preventive measure, so that cold sores do not develop at all.
In more severe cases, doctors also tend to prescribe prescription drugs that reduce the spread of the virus and the frequency of outbreaks.

5. Myth. Cold sores appear after catching a cold.

Reality. It is quite possible that the cold sore appeared because you had a cold and at that time your immunity decreased, which allowed the virus to multiply. But it can also be provoked by stress, inability to cope with one’s emotions, hormonal changes, for example during menstruation or menopause, even small injuries on the lips or in the oral cavity. They also tend to appear after a visit to the dentist, a laser procedure, an operation, or the creation of permanent makeup. Cold sores are often caused by the weather – cold wind and frost in winter, and wind and sun in summer, because under their influence the lips become dry, chapped and microcracks appear. Therefore, every time you go out, apply a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick with sun protection filters.


6. Myth. The cold sore is only on the lips.

Reality. Although cold sores most often appear on and around the lips, they can also appear on the cheeks, tongue, and nose. If care is not taken, the infection spreads and cold sores can also form on the genitals, fingers and even the eyes. It is rare, but very dangerous and can cause serious vision problems.

7. Myth. You cannot get a cold sore by using the same cosmetics.

Reality. Cosmetic testers available in stores are one of the easiest ways to contract the herpes virus. The lipstick that someone who had a cold sore painted their lips with before you or the face cream that someone who just covered their cold sore soaked in face cream are the shortest foci of the virus. Also, when using personal cosmetics, it is best to use cosmetic brushes, which are then washed with soap. You will be able to share cosmetics used in this way with your girlfriends and your daughter, as long as they also use clean brushes and applicators.

cold sores

8. Myth. Cold sores are very contagious.

Reality. Cold sores, or rather the herpes virus HSV-1, are very contagious right at the cold sore stage – from the first symptoms until it is completely healed. Therefore, if you get a cold sore, under no circumstances should you touch it with your hands and not wash them afterwards, you should not kiss or give someone a kiss, and you should also eat and drink from dishes that will be used by others. Under no circumstances should you use the same towel, the toothbrush and toothpaste should be pressed from the tube onto a washed palm, and then placed onto the toothbrush from the tube and the hands should be washed again.

9. Myth. A cold sore can be cured with toothpaste.

Reality. People believe that toothpaste is one of the remedies that can successfully cure a cold sore. Sodium dodecyl sulfate in some toothpastes suppresses the spread of the herpes virus HSV-1. That’s why many believe that applying toothpaste at the first sign of a cold sore will make it disappear. Yes, toothpaste reduces unpleasant symptoms because it has a cooling, pain-relieving effect, but it does not treat the cold sore itself. If you still want to use toothpaste, remember that for owners of sensitive skin, its effect can irritate the skin and cause redness. In addition, when removing the toothpaste from a cold sore, you should be extra careful to scrub the uninjured skin and the cold sore itself.

Larifan – For your protection!

Larifan  are products created in Latvia using unique biotechnology. They contain a patented, natural dsRNA (double-helical ribonucleic acid) that activates the body’s natural defenses and protects against various harmful external environmental factors, especially against the entry and development of viruses and microbes in the body.

Larifan is used for prevention to avoid diseases, including herpes virus and respiratory viruses.

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